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Use of Virtual Mock-Ups for Ergonomic Design


G. Di Gironimo - University of Naples Federico II
G. Monacelli - University of Naples Federico II
M. Martorelli - University of Naples Federico II
G. Vaudo - ELASIS S.C.p.A


This paper describes the development of a new method to improve the ergonomics design of a new car. This method has been developed by co-operation between Elasis and University of Naples, Federico II. The main area of research has been the automotive ergonomic evaluation using the virtual human models. Today, in fact, the development of new technologies makes possible the analysis in three dimensions with a required level of precision in order to study complex movements performed by an user in car usability.

In this work it has been developed a comparison between the traditional two-dimensional approach and the three dimensional human model and the advantages coming from the interaction between digital humans and virtual reality devices (i.e. motion tracking systems, Head Mounted Display, seating buck) have been shown.

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