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Simulation of the coupling between Electromagnetic fields and wiring harnesses inside a car


Massimiliano de Riso - ELASIS S.C.p.A.
Amedeo Mirra - ELASIS S.C.p.A.
Roberto De Leo - Università di Ancona - Dip. Elettronica ed Automatica
Walter Mariani Primiani - Università di Ancona - Dip. Elettronica ed Automatica
Aldo Citriniti - IDS Ingegneri


Abstract - In the last few years, automotive industry has increased the use of electronic and electrical systems inside cars, to improve safety, comfort and performances. That caused the creation of more and more complex wiring layout inside the car, to allow the connections between those systems. The aim of the work is to show a virtual method to estimate and reduce Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) potential disturbances, improving the layout of cables and components of the electrical system of the car. This method will reduce the costs and the time spent for the design process and experimental testing phase. The object of the simulations is to analyse both the susceptibility of the electronic devices to the disturbances coming from Electro Magnetic (EM) fields generated by external sources and measure the EM emissions that the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) itself radiates towards the external region. Therefore two physical phenomena will be analysed: Field - cable coupling and cable -cable (crosstalk) interactions.

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