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Experimental Approach to Target Deployement in the Acoustic and Aeroacoustic Field.


G. Amort - Fiat Auto
C. Berta - Fiat Auto
D. Borrelli - Fiat Auto


In order to achieve the final goal of “noiseless car” , i.e. in the acoustic and aero-acoustic field (airborne noises, whistles,….) , the car body is firstly divided into its main subsystems as doors, instrument panel, seats,….. Each of them is then experimentally analysed in a “stand alone” way and, in parallel, any single component of each subsystem is tested and optimised separately.

In both cases the inputs for experimental tests are the same used in the complete car body, which is tested in parallel to its subsystems & components.

This “triple way approach” allows to reach the following advantages :

•better understanding of physical phenomena and correlation with the virtual simulations

•each component is “overstressed” in comparison with conventional method (only complete car analysis ), so the goals of Robust Design are more easily achieved.

In the paper are described the main methodologies & facilities for subsystems and components , with some examples and results.

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