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Mobil air conditioning system evaluation using dynamic torque measurement


C.Canta – Fiat Research Centre
F.Mingrino – Fiat Auto


The air conditioning system is more and more used also on low power cars and it caused an important consume growth.

In town the conditioning system has to work in particularly difficult situations: short trips, frequent opening and closing of the doors, long stops in the traffic and so the compressor have to operate in maximum power conditions.

In the traffic of the town the conditioning system makes the car “asking” for a higher level of power, so increasing also the consumes.

We cannot ask only to the components’ suppliers to absorbed power by the vehicle compressor, and to control its use on the final product. We have to better understand how we want the compressor to be used, just to know better what to ask to our suppliers.

So it has been studied a measure’s system to quantify the torque absorbed by the compressor on the car, and it has also been completed with the injection time measure, to evaluate the consume on the road.

The system can be used for 3 different measures:

•Measure of torque in stationary condition

•Measure of torque in dynamic condition

•Measure of engine consume

The system does not interfere too much on the engine car and it can evaluate the conditioning system both in the first step of development and in the successive entire life of the car.

It’s also possible to evaluate the working power of the compressor on every kind of cars and after a determinate number of working hours.

The torque measure is calculated on stop car starting from the rpm dynamic but in real condition, that are different from those realised on a bench prove (different tube long, thermal conditions …).

The measure of the consume on the road must be done also to evaluate the principal characteristics of the compressor working cycle, to permit the optimization of the control strategy.

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