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Design and Analysis of an Optimal Automotive Bumper


G. Belingardi - Technical University of Turin
G. Chiandussi - Technical University of Turin
M. Fariello - Altair Engineering s.r.l.
M. Testa - Altair Engineering s.r.l.


The present paper concerns the design of an optimal automotive cross front member and the analysis of its behaviour in a simulated crash test.

In a first section of the paper the optimal shape of the component cross section is identified by using optimisation methods based on the response surface methodology. In a second section, the identified cross section is used to identify the geometrical configuration of a cross front member. The mechanical behaviour of the component has been analysed in an impact load analysis. In particular, the behaviour of two components obtained by plastic deformation processes is compared to that of a component with the same geometrical configuration but nominal material characteristics.

The comparison of the results of the impact load analysis for the three different components allows to verify the variation introduced in the mechanical behaviour if material hardening and residual stresses due to the plastic deformations introduced by the manufacturing process are not considered in the simulation.

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