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Rcm Simulation in the Automotive Design


P. Morelli - DIEM University of Bologna


Reliability Centred Maintenance is a useful tool in concurrent engineering design of cars and other means of transportation. This analysis methodology leads to a better understanding of the physics of failures and Reliability of basic components.

Nevertheless, the main value added for the customer results in optimisation of Life Cycle

Management of the car, finding out the best maintenance policy, which can assure the highest availability at lowest costs. A tool for Monte Carlo simulation of systems engineering has been developed and will be presented, as a practical application of RCM calculations. Failure rates not constant with time will be taken into account, due to infant mortality or ageing and wear out phenomena. Maintenance activities and their effects will be handled as well. A simple case study will be shown with the simulation of life in the expected operative conditions of the system. Aim of this work is to show a simulation methodology that can help in planning frequencies of preventive maintenance activities, with the best assumption of subsystems and components that have to be maintained.

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