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Identification of Driving Cycles and Emissions in the Traffic of Bologna


L.Borgarello - Centro Ricerche FIAT
R. Fontana - Centro Ricerche FIAT
A. Fortunato - Centro Ricerche FIAT
L. Mina - Centro Ricerche FIAT


This article describes the statistical activity that was part of “EMIRO”, a project developed from Fiat Research Centre in collaboration with the Emilia-Romagna Region. Aim of the program was the experimental determination of the exhaust emissions produced from vehicles equipped by engines with different technologies for emissions control and supplied with different types of fuels. These vehicles are circulating in typical urban environment conditions.

In the article the methodology applied to find out synthetic cycles departing from the database of the measures obtained during the experimentation on the road will be described.

This methodology, in part original and in part derived from literature, is composed of the following phases:

♦subdivision of each trip into ‘cinematic sequences’ (speed vs. time curves between subsequent stops)

♦characterisation of sequences in term of statistical parameters

♦classification of sequences into well-differentiate classes

♦analysis of the real cycles in term of the sequences that compose them and their characterisation

♦creation of ‘synthetic cycles’ as a succession of representative sequences in a definite order.

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