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Front Loading Strategy for Automotive Electronics Control Validation Part I


Lee, Jae Young - Hyundai Autron, Republic of Korea


KEYWORDS – Front Loading, Vehicle HILs, Virtual Driving Simulation, Electric Control, ECU Test

According to growth of the comfortable function with driver, the integration of several controllers are increased the control complexity of vehicle by the diversity of Electronics Control System and various suppliers. The diversity category of vehicle and various trim with the customer needs accelerate the test work. As above all, vehicle level test which is concentrated the late of development process is more times than the early phase of the process by the expense of design change. This paper proposed the test validation platform with vehicle level to bring the early phase of the process for the vehicle driving test with the late process and the function of high complexity. To development the test platform, the modeling method of Power-train and Chassis domain is proposed to make dynamic behavior simulation. Also, this paper proved that the quality problem which is Smart Cruise Control and actual happened at customer side can be detected at the early phase of the process by using the vehicle level test platform. This research is consist of three categories, for explain, Part I is proposed the strategy method of the front-loading for the automotive development process. And Part II is the development method of the test scenario. Part III is that the application to actual the process which is going on.

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