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Towards Adaptive AUTOSAR: a System-level Approach


BELAGGOUN, Amel; RADERMACHER, Ansgar - CEA LIST, Laboratory of Model Driven Engineering for Embedded Systems, B.P.174-91191
Gif-sur-Yvette, France
ISSARNY, Valerie - INRIA-Paris Rocquencourt, France


KEYWORDS – AUTOSAR, runtime adaptation, mixed hard/soft real-time embedded systems, dynamic reconfiguration, task allocation.

ABSTRACT The automotive industry has recently agreed upon the embedded software standard AUTOSAR, which structures an application into reusable components that can be deployed according to a given configuration. However, this configuration is fixed at design-time, with no support for dynamically adding, migrating and/or removing components to adapt the system at runtime. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of ASLA (Adaptive System-Level in AUTOSAR) a framework that provides runtime adaptation to AUTOSAR. We believe that our approach opens up new functionalities for vehicle software platforms and can be leveraged in the recent initiative Adaptive AUTOSAR.

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