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ECU Consolidation for Multiple Automotive Applications with Adaptive Variable-Rate Tasks


Lee, Jihwa; Lee, Chang-Gun - Seoul National University, South Korea
Kim, Jong-Chan - Kookmin University, South Korea


KEYWORDS – ECU consolidation, engine control, periodic resource, adaptive variable-rate, real-time embedded

ABSTRACT – Periodic Resource Model (PRM) allows integration of multiple real-time applications on a shared hardware with temporal isolation. Meanwhile, recent studies reported that certain automotive application (i.e., engine control) requires its so-called Adaptive Variable-Rate (AVR) tasks to be executed following the status of its control target (i.e., crankshaft rotation angle). Since such task is not studied in conjunction with PRM, a new method is needed for scheduling them on a periodic resource. Thus, this paper proposes a novel method for finding tight periodic resource parameters for given AVR tasks with enjoying the fact that the physical status changes gradually, not drastically. Our method first transforms each of them into a periodic task where if it is schedulable on a periodic resource, the original task is also guaranteed to be schedulable. Then optimal periodic resource parameters are found considering context switching overheads. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first effort to schedule adaptive variable-rate tasks using periodic resource model.

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