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AUTOSAR For Autonomous and Connected Vehicles


Kenji, Hontani - Toyota Motor Europe NV/SA, Belgium
Simon Fürst - BMW Group, Germany
Stefan Rathgeber - Continental Corporation, Germany
Lorenz Slansky - Daimler AG, Germany
Frank Kirschke-Biller - Ford Motor Company, USA
Rick Flores - General Motors, USA
Tony Jaux - PSA Peugeot Citroën, Germany
Thomas Rüping - Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany
Kenji Nishikawa - Toyota Motor Company, Japan
Carsten Krömke - Volkswagen AG, Germany


KEYWORDS – Adaptive platform, AUTOSAR, global standard, roadmap, outlook


Automated driving causes completely new requirements to a software platform for ECUs. Combined with Car-2-x communication and a constant connection to social networks and other commercial and non-commercial internet applications the ECUs of a car evolve from an isolated on-board to a broadly connected system. AUTOSAR as the worldwide leading standardization organization for in-vehicle software bears this challenge and paves the way making the car an intelligent and adaptive vehicle.

But how can a standard be that flexible and fast to adapt to the always changing needs of those applications and use-cases? AUTOSAR started with a set of selected use-cases, but took care on cooperation with 3rd party standardization bodies and projects right from the start. The presentation will explain the challenges and the approach to master requirements for next generation cars and how AUTOSAR achieves fast reactions on market needs. Furthermore the presentation will outline the current status and the plans for AUTOSAR releases. Starting with an overview of the new AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform the presentation outlines also key aspects of the content of the architecture and which use-cases will be possible.

The new platform aims to support dynamic deployment of customer applications, to provide an environment for applications that require high-end computing power and to connect deeply embedded and non-AUTOSAR systems in a smooth way while preserving typical features originated in deeply embedded systems like safety. Built around existing standards such as POSIX, the Adaptive Platform will complement specific functionalities enabling the platform to run in an automotive network.

The presentation will provide an answer how AUTOSAR integrates different software platforms smoothly and how the standard benefits from others e.g. consumer and/or telecommunication industry.

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