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Study on the Remote Park In and Out System Developments


Seo, Gilwon; Yang, Joowoong; Park, Jinho; Ha, Kyungsoo - Hyundai Motor Company, Republic of Korea


KEYWORDS – SPAS (Smart Parking Assist System), Remote parking, Low speed control, Automated parking, Automated driving


Parking in narrow garage parking space is capable using garage parking function of Smart Parking Assist System (SPAS). But sometimes it can be difficult for the driver to open the door for getting out of the vehicle after completion of parking using SPAS. And when the driver came to parking lot to pull out the vehicle, occasionally due to vehicles which are parked too close to his/her vehicle, driver cannot open the door to get into the vehicle.

Remote Park In and Out system (RPIO) is developed to solve these inconveniences. RPIO function provides convenience to the driver when park in to or park out from narrow garage parking space using remote control of the vehicle using smart key without drivers’ onboard. Integrated control of cooperative system is essential part to implement this system. Smart key, Engine ignition, Body, Vehicle speed and Shift control are required for system implementation. Functional architecture is designed for efficient integrated control between RPIO controller and other cooperative systems. Also there are normal and remote modes so that cooperative controller can be in original function in normal mode and in dedicated remote function in remote mode.

Hyundai HG Grandeur 13 Model year is used for test vehicle. Control logic is developed in Matlab/Simulink environment and directly embedded into dSpace Microautobox rapid control prototyping device. Also test procedure is developed to verify all possible scenarios. And test result was successful. Using smart key, driver could start the vehicle and let it move back and forth in narrow parking space at driver’s will without being inside of the vehicle.

In parking situation, the vehicle speed is remains in very slow range around 0 to 7kph. To control the vehicle speed, acceleration interface of Smart Cruise Control (SCC) is used. But this interface is developed for high speed range to maintain speed during constant speed driving. So controlling speed using this interface is not adequate. But currently different speed control which is dedicated for low speed range is under development, so this limitation should be resolved in the near future.----- If the vehicle is properly equipped, RPIO function could be implemented only adding S/W without additional H/W installation. And in the system architecture point of view, effective integration method is proposed. Also Fail safety mechanism is considered for preventing possible hazard due to drivers’ absence.

RPIO function is designed to solve inconvenience in narrow garage parking. Through integrated control and Fail safety development, efficient and safe system is implemented and verified. In the near future, this function will be integrated with parking functions to implement fully automated parking system.

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