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How Many Haptic Signals can be Distinguished by The Driver?


Kim, Sang Ho; Shin Jong Kyu; Sabando Jose Fernando - Kumoh National Institute of Technology (KIT), Republic of Korea
Choi, Kyung Im - Korea Transportation Safety Authority (TS), Republic of Korea


KEYWORDS – Haptic warnings, choice reaction time, discriminability, information coding, channel capacity.

Driving is a cognitively demanding task which requires high level of driver’s attention. To ensure that the implementation of haptic signals in the IVIS and ADAS will enforce safety, one question that has to be addressed is then, how many different haptic signals can be distinguished by the driver within a reasonable time-bound? And then how can we encode them to ensure the enhanced discriminability and hence the faster choice reaction time? Statistical analysis and comparisons of discriminability performance will be realized in terms of response rate, response time and transmitted information will be done on a different number of haptic signals in a driving simulated environment.

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