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Innovative Brake Drum Shoe Movement Decomposition Under Squeal Conditions


García-Bonito, J.J.; Zarabozo, A.; Squadrani, F; Mateu, R - Applus+ IDIADA, Santa Oliva, Tarragona, Spain
Yangwoo Park: Head of Commercial Vehicle Chassis Engineering Design Group;
Jonghoon Lim: General Manager / Commercial Vehicle Chassis Engineering Team 3;
Heejin Cho: Senior Research Engineer / Commercial Vehicle Chassis Engineering Team 3 - Hyundai Motor Company, Namyang-eup, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea


KEYWORDS – Brake squeal, shoe vibration, shoe movement, movement analysis, decomposition

In this work, we present a new experimental method that can be used to breakdown the total in-service vibration movement of a brake shoe under squeal conditions as the sum of two components: a rigid-body movement and a non-rigid body movement. The non-rigid body movement is that part of the movement which produces deformation of the nominal geometry of the component. The non-rigid part is the one associated with higher frequencies and it is caused by the in-service modal resonance of the component. The method is carried out in the time domain, thus phase and amplitude information between the two movement components is preserved. The method is based on the synchronous measurement of acceleration data on brake component at various points and directions.

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