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Development and Application of Painting Interior Sealing Robot 3D OLP Simulation


Gi-hyun Kwon - Ssangyong Motor Company, Painting Manufacturing Engineering Team, Republic of Korea


KEYWORDS – Robot simulation, Off-line teaching, Teaching period, Cost reduction, And Production improvement.

ABSTRACT – Considering the installation of painting an interior sealing robot system or production of new car models in the existing plant, the on-line teaching system that teaches robots directly at the plant site can cause facility trouble, because the robots must be taught in a short period of time over the holidays. 3D olp robot simulation system can solve this problem. This system can complete off-line teaching program in advance and the final teaching program can be loaded onto the robot control system. This system can shorten the teaching period and increase productivity. In terms of effect analysis, manpower demand was calculated for 3D olp simulation manufacturing requirement person. Off-line teaching in comparison with the on-line teaching system reduced a teaching period. In addition, this system improves productivity, the teaching path modification can be conducted during production, the operator can operate the robot after checking the 3D olp software program in advance. And this system cut personnel expenses, reduces musculoskeletal diseases, and improves NVH and paint sealing quality.

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