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Possibilities for Development of Electromobility and Methanisation of Road Tansport in Poland


Gis Wojciech* (1), Pielecha Jacek (2), Gis Maciej (3)

(1) Motor Transport Institute, Warsaw, Poland
(2) Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland
(3) Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland (student)


Research and/or Engineering Questions/Objective

Electromobility: current state and perspectives in years 2020 – 2030 of the fleet of electric cars (PHEV, BEV, REEV, FCEV) and current existing infrastructure of charging (and HRS) vehicles this type in Poland compered to the situation in this aspect in Germany. Methanisation: the advantages of using biomethane to power city buses. Current possibilities for production of biomethane in Poland. They are very limited, but established the country's first mobile installation biogas purification to natural gas quality. Presented the results of comparative testing exhaust emissions and fuel consumption of city buses: CNG (biomethane) and diesel.


Electromobility: Forecast of development the aforementioned vehicles in Poland compared to their growth in Germany was performed on the basis of the results of analyses carried out in the European project eMAP by use Vector21 program, which is a computer model that simulates customer decisions in the process of new car acquisition as well as the resulting market shares of the different vehicle concepts. Methanisation: test on the emission and the consumption of fuel were conducted on two above buses: CNG and diesel. The measurement of the emissions and fuel consumption performed under real traffic conditions by used Semtech DS two devices, on the same route between the place of installation for production of biomethane (Niepolomice city) and nearest big city( Krakow).


Electromobility: According to European project eMAP the development of EVs in stock is strongly depend on region and on scenario. For example in Poland support for electromobility need support from the state administration. Progressive financial support could be introduced, e.g. grants to purchase or use of electric cars. Methanisation: the conducted tests performed in the framework of the European project More Baltic Biogas Bus indicate, that for example the road emission of NOx of the bus with an engine refuelled with CNG is lower than the road emission of NOx from the bus with CI engine. In case of the road emission CO2 , it is greater for bus with spark – ignition engine, but using biomethane (during life – cycle (from well to wheel) CO2 emission will be almost zero), will be better solution compared road emission of bus with diesel engine.

Limitation of this study

Electromobility: uncertainty of estimates of the number of electric cars and the development of new technology (for example baterries) these vehicles and the activities of a political nature in perspective 2030. Methanisation: lack yet possibilities use of biomethane, due to the necessary tests for verifying installations for upgrading biogas, therefore used CNG (bus with spark ignition engine).

What does the paper offer that is new in the field including in comparison to other work by the authors

A novelty in the article is to evaluate opportunities to develop electric cars in Poland in 2030 and to demonstrate that the use of biomethane in Poland, for example in city buses, enables independence from imported fossil fuels and reduce CO2 emissions. This shows improvements in the common field of electromobility and methanisation of road transport, that are envisaged in Poland.


The development of electromobility in Poland requires the quick support of the state. It is also important create now use of hydrogen in road transport. Metanisation of road transport in Poland should take into account the use of biomethane.

Keywords : Road transport, Electromobility, Methanisation, Electric Vehicles, CNG (Biomethane) Buses

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