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Value Based Learning – A New Learning Framework to Create Economic Value During the Learning Process


Will, Frank - Deakin University, Australia


Research question

A common approach in education is to use simplified standard problems with only one predefined right solution. This learning methodology is often used in many disciplines, including Automotive Engineering. The benefit is that it facilitates assessment and efficient marking of a large number of students in a unit. What has to be changed so that the learning process itself could directly create value to consumers and the wider economy while the students are still studying without the need to wait until students finish their degree and work in the industry? And is it possible to implement such an approach in a range of different subjects?


The School of Engineering at Deakin University has developed a new framework called Value Based Learning (VBL). The model was developed through continuous improvement of several existing units by applying lessons learned that also include students feedback. The success of the model was assessed by analysing the student outcomes related to tangible economic measures like inventions and new business creations as well as also student feedback.


The new approach led to the following results as tested in varies different units some of which have been modified over the last couple of years: During the Developing Innovation unit, which included all Value Based Learning elements, the winning project was an Online Contracting Portal that is being commercialized. Further students are still planning to set up new companies at a later stage. All units where the major VBL elements have been applied resulted in new patentable inventions with significant commercial potential. The introduction of VBL resulted in significant improvements of student satisfaction.


So far VBL has only been implemented in 3 different units and only at postgraduate level. Only one of the three units included all essential elements of the VBL framework. In the future the framework should be applied in additional units, not only at postgraduate level but also including undergraduate units within Engineering courses. If the benefits can be sustained in such a wider range of applications it should be tried to apply the methodology in other disciplines for example management and marketing.


VBL includes the following new elements, some of them are that students have to identify a real current problem that is of big concern to them, the freedom for the students to select the problem themselves significantly increases engagement, another key requirement is that the problem hasn’t been solved yet, therefore the unit chair has to accept the proposed problem.


Value Based Learning is a new framework that creates real economic value already during a unit by tackling currently unsolved problems. It results in inventions or the creation of new businesses. It is the logical next step after the well-known concept of Problem Based Learning.

KEYWORDS – Learning framework, economic value, education

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