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Development of a Test Unmanned Target Robot for Active Safety Vehicle Evaluation


Park, Yeonggeol; Kwon, Jaejoon; Park, Kihong; Jeong, Jayil* - Kookmin University


Research and/or Engineering Questions/Objective
This work presents a safety evaluation methodology for active safety vehicles. An unmanned target vehicle is developed. In recent years, active safety systems are introduced to the markets and the evaluation methods for those systems also have been developed and discussed as international standards. The evaluation standards suggested are only about the evaluation for individual safety system, not about the evaluation for a subject vehicle installed with those active safety systems. Thus, the evaluation system for the active safety vehicles should be developed.

In this work, test scenarios to evaluate the active safety vehicles are suggested especially for the 'Cut-in' situations. The unmanned target vehicle to test the scenarios is designed and developed. The whole test system settings are described for the evaluation too. The experimental results are also presented for the target unmanned robot for running on a proving ground. The test scenarios are based on the accidental data in Korea and Europe. By the accidental data, the 'Cut-in' scenario is selected to evaluate the safety of the active safety vehicle, which guarantees three seconds TTC (Time To Collision).

The unmanned vehicle developed is based on a short range electric vehicle, and the DGPS and IMU are installed for the unmanned driving. The test courses are designed with respect to the test proving ground in KATRI. The experimental results show the test target vehicle can follow the cut-in scenario with 40km/h speed.

Limitations of this study
This study only describes the development of the target vehicle. The preliminary results with the cut-in scenarios are shown in this work, where the hunter vehicle (or subjective vehicle) is just following the target vehicles. The test cases will be added until this winter.

What does the paper offer that is new in the field including in comparison to other work by the authors?
This work is the first publication for the safety test results in a proving ground for an active safety vehicle evaluation. The other previous works described the results in the indoor experiments or even onto the dynamo-systems.

In this work, the target unmanned vehicle was developed with 40km/h speed is developed and verified by experiments. The test vehicle showed the following capability to the cut-in scenario in a test course in KARTI.

KEYWORDS – Active safety, Evaluation, Target vehicle, Autonomous driving, ADAS.

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