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Intelligent Transportation Systems - Demands and Needs for Security Supply Chain in the Brazilian Market


Dias, Eduardo Mario* - Polytechnic School of University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Carvalho, André de Souza - Polytechnic School of University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Junior, Alberto Toshio Kotsuka - Polytechnic School of University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Alves,Graciellen Silva - Polytechnic School of University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Fontana, Caio Fernando - Polytechnic School of University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Mori, Fábio - Polytechnic School of University of
Sao Paulo, Brazil


The real necessity to create the structure of ITS in Brazil has been discussed deeply in the academics and industrial point of view. Nowadays, tracking and monitoring systems have been challenged for years. The demand from the local market, mainly security questions and logistics applications are major issues development solutions. This article provides a model of secure logistic chain, aiming at integrating the electronic seal, tracking and non-intrusive inspection technologies, it means a segment of the Intelligent Transportation Systems. By using as premises the security concepts and standards set forth by several entities worldwide, among them, CSI (Container Security Initiative), WCO (World Customs Organization) recommendations and the SAFE Ports Act. This model might be applied within the supply chain in order to help in cargo security, by monitoring its inviolability.

Keywords: - Intelligent Transportation Systems, logistic supply chain, security, electronic seal, tracking and, monitoring systems.

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