ABSTRACT Conduct-by-Wire (CbW) is a research project which breaks away from today's vehicle guidance by shifting the vehicle control task from a stabilisation level to a conducting level. Instead of the continuous stabilisation on a designated trajectory - using the conventional control elements for manual steering, braking and accelerating - a Conduct-by- Wire car is controlled by means of manoeuvre commands. This paper introduces an innovative approach for design, test and iterative improvements of driving functions, which are necessary to execute a driver's manoeuvre commands. Starting with a hypothetical list of driving functions - a so-called driving functions catalogue - derived from capabilities of today's advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), the intention is to find driving missions that cannot be accomplished by exclusively using the catalogue's elements (e.g. follow lane, change lane, follow vehicle). The analysis of these incomplete missions either results in the identification of necessary but missing driving functions or shows insufficient implementation of existing modules. By systematically identifying the catalogue's imperfections, the essentials for manoeuvre-based vehicle guidance are created. The Conduct-by-WIRE project's driving functions are implemented as control algorithms in MATLAB/Simulink and provide command variables to simulate the vehicle behaviour in the 3D vehicle simulation tool IPG CarMaker. Use cases are derived from real driving missions of increasing complexity that are first designed, abstracted from reality according to the stimulation tool's constrains and then implemented as environment scenarios in CarMaker. After implementation, a solver strategy is manually created by identifying characteristic way points and events resulting in a mission control batch script. This script represents a drivers manoeuvre commands, depending on environmental variables. This approach guarantees an objective and detailed analysis of the completeness and implementation quality of the driving function catalogue as well as iterative improvements. The paper closes with a brief outlook on feasible short term realisation possibilities for parts of the Conduct-by-Wire concept in experiment vehicles. KEYWORDS Conduct-by-Wire, manoeuvre, simulation, ADAS, CarMaker