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Human State Estimation During Crashes


Willemsen, Dehlia* - TNO Science and Industry
Laan, Ewout van der - Eindhoven University of Technology
Teerhuis, Arjan - TNO Science and Industry


Nowadays, there is a trend towards vehicle safety systems that are adaptive, e.g. the adaptive load limiter or smart airbag. Conventional restraint systems have typically one level of operation, and this level is a compromise over several loading conditions and occupant types. The effectiveness of occupant protection systems can be significantly improved when the loading condition and the actual status of the occupant are known and when this information is used to adapt the restraints. Most of the interesting states, like the position of the chest and the chest compression, are complex or expensive to measure, especially during a crash. This paper describes a method to estimate these states using a model-based observer, a Kalman filter. Firstly, a number of sensors is selected that provide a useful input to the Kalman filter, and that can be easily installed in a vehicle. Next, a manageable but accurate occupant model is proposed, as a system model is an essential part of the Kalman filter. This model is derived from a Madymo Hybrid III dummy model. Then, the method to setup the Kalman filter is discussed and applied to the occupant estimation problem. Estimation results are obtained with the sensor data from both the original Madymo model as from real-world crash tests. The results show that the relative chest position and compression can be well approximated with the proposed estimator system. Moreover, an application is presented, in which the human state estimator is applied to a controlled seat belt system, and results are shown. Special attention is paid to the fact that the estimator should be able to run in real-time, but some adaptations may be needed to achieve real-time execution. Finally, an outlook is given on different applications of the human state estimator.

Keywords: Kalman filter, injury criteria, adaptive restraints, injury estimation, occupant modeling

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