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Bio-hydrogen pathways for the Portuguese road transportation sector


Ferreira, Ana Filipa* - IDMEC, Instituto Superior Técnico, Tecnhical University of Lisbon
Baptista, Patrícia - IDMEC, Instituto Superior Técnico, Tecnhical University of Lisbon
Silva, Carla - IDMEC, Instituto Superior Técnico, Tecnhical University of Lisbon


In this work the main objective is to analyze energy consumption and CO2 emissions of biohydrogen for use in the transportation sector in Portugal. A life cycle assessment will be performed in order to evaluate bio-hydrogen pathways, having biodiesel and conventional fossil diesel as reference. The pathways were production of feedstock, pre-treatment, treatment, compression, distribution and applications. For the well-to-tank analysis the SimaPro 7.1 software and excel tools are used. This study includes not only a well-to-tank analysis but also a tank-to-wheel analysis (using ADVISOR software) estimating hydrogen consumption and electricity consumption of a fuel cell hybrid and a plug-in hybrid. Several bio-hydrogen feedstocks to produce hydrogen through fermentation processes will be considered: potato peels. The results are compared with diesel internal combustion engine vehicles running on diesel and biodiesel. The required energy resulting from sunflower, rapeseed/soybean, microalgae and diesel are respectively 0.77, 0.99, 0.75 and 0.16 MJ/MJfuel. The required CO2 emissions resulting are respectively 39, 90, 35 and 14 g/ MJfuel. For hydrogen the respective values are 0.33 MJ/MJfuel and 8.05 g/ MJfuel. The lowest values of fuel life cycle energy consumption and CO2 emissions, excluding plug-in hybrid fuel cell running on hydrogen from natural gas centralized reforming, are for hybrid and plug-in hybrid fuel cell vehicles running on hydrogen from potato peels.

Keywords: bio-hydrogen, life-cycle assessment, bio-diesel, energy consumption, CO2 emissions.

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