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All-Wheel Drive Heavy Vehicle with Hybrid Diesel-Electric Powertrain


Cheranev Svyatoslav - Moscow State Technical University “MAMI”, Russia


Keywords: Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Diesel Electric Vehicle, Powertrain Control, Torque Distribution, Electric Motor Drive

This work concerns a project of a heavy multipurpose all-wheel drive vehicle. The modern vehicle should meet road safety and mobility requirements, use environmentally friendly techniques. This project follows all modern trends. The vehicle's transmission enables dependent on road conditions torque distribution through axes and wheels. The system of torque distribution uses individual motors for every wheel getting power from both the diesel-electric unit and batteries or separately according to control program. The vehicle uses a 4-axis chassis which provides the highest level of floatation. The hybrid drive provides enhanced fuel efficiency and increases the vehicle's environmental safety keeping high road performance. All the project's features make the vehicle up-to-date and useful in various fields where advanced transport is needed.

Multiaxis off-road vehicles present a quite sparse class of automotive transport. They were always detached from other vehicles as their concept goes contrary to ordinary cars for most people. They are being created for areas without roads and well-developed infrastructure. Their mission cannot be overstated.

The vehicle class we are talking about is in great demand generally for mining operations, emergency situations and for transportation in conditions of lack of roads. Usually the main requirements for such a vehicle are simplicity, unpretentiousness to service and road conditions, reliability and ease of possible repair. To meet these demands the vehicles have remained unchanged and had their out-dated design over a long period.

Now the situation is being changed. The customer is no longer satisfied with just simplicity of a vehicle. One requires versatility and comfort, high performance and environmentally friendly operation.

One of today's most expected technologies is hybrid drive application.

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