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A Motorcycle Riding Simulator for the Improvement of the Rider Safety


Cossalter Vittore - University of Padova, Italy
Lot Roberto - University of Padova, Italy
Sartori Roberto - University of Padova, Italy
Massaro Matteo - University of Padova, Italy


Keywords: Riding Simulator, Safety, Training, Optimal Maneuver, Airbag

This paper describes the motorcycle riding simulator developed at the Department. of Innovation in Mechanical and Managerial Engineering of the University of Padova. The aim is to use the riding simulator in two complementary areas: to teach and train riders and to develop and to test devices for improving the active and passive safety of the vehicle, or more generally any ADAS and IVIS system.

This paper is organized as follows: in the first section the riding simulator is explained, the second section deals with rider feeling and first experiences on rider training, in the third section are reported the first experiences on virtual testing of a system for the improvement of the rider passive safety.

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