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Quick and Strategic Logistics - / Factory – Management as Part of the Digital Factory


Proell, Eckart - ZIP Consulting Engineers, Germany


Keywords:Materials flow, Logistic Processes, Simulation, Digital Factory, MALAGA Software

The digital factory is the generic term for a comprehensive network of digital models and methods, which are integrated by a constant data management. Their goal is the holistic planning, evaluation and current improvement of all substantial structures, processes and resources of the factory in connection with the product.

The same goal pursues also MALAGA- a planning tool, which will be presented in this paper. Right from the beginning of the conception - the idea to a certain extent - MALAGA is in a position to prepare all logistics data, to plan, to validate and optimize new projects, far before everything is physically converted.

In order to meet these requirements of the digital factory in the best possible way , the approach as well as the offered planning tools are components of a plant planning philosophy, which - on a tactical level- permits it to overview all materials flow proceedings - material, information, values -and on the other hand there is a basic strategy, by which future plant structures and organizations can be developed, optimized and simulated fast and easily. Besides -the obligation to more economy demands to lower the expenditure for planning , realization and management - the key word is: "simplifying (but not too simple), combining and eliminating" to keep value chains short and efficient.

In this way MALAGA masters successfully the challenge, improves the process optimization and minimizes the costs by opening up ratio potentials, thus making decisions more efficiently. The substantial success factors and key features are:

"The layout/drawing is the language of the planner" Due to the connection with a 3D -CAD layout, the planner has a control system at his disposal, from which he directs all projects, data, drawings and evaluations. Since you work visually, it is easy to determine, which the correct solution is!

"Consistency of the entire program" Integration of data under a uniform surface, everything works together in concert, everything speaks one common language -this means internal communication and outward transparency.

"Simulation - the dynamic model " With the layout, the model of the factory is already at hand; all necessary data are available - all you have to do is to start the simulation, which is being operated directly in the layout.

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