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Complexity Management for the Development of High Pressure Pumps for Common Rail Systems


Maurer, Maik* - TU München, Germany
Braun, Thomas - Teseon GmbH, Germany
Greiner, Matthias - Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany


Keywords: Multiple-Domain Matrix, Modularization, Carry Over Parts, Common Rail System, High Pressure Pump

The Diesel Systems (DS) division of the company Robert Bosch GmbH develops, produces and distributes Common Rail systems. The high pressure pump represents an essential element in such a system and is designed for compressing the fuel up to a pressure of 2000 bar. Bosch DS cooperates with more than 100 customers, who place their trust in Common Rail systems that are integrated in the OEM's engine. The high pressure pump contains a high level of complexity, as several further functions have to be fulfilled. The properties of the high pressure pump have to be adapted to the specific requirements of each customer, which means executing changes to a complex system and managing the resulting consequences.

Bosch DS faces the challenge of delivering a highly customized product while reducing the number of variants of components. In cooperation with Teseon GmbH, which provides methodical consultancy and tool support for complexity management, Bosch DS optimized its building block concept for efficiently handling the variety of customer requirements. Different types of high pressure pumps were subjected to modularization and potential for carry over parts identified.

For the practical realization of the project goals an approach on complex structure management was applied that consists of five general steps: system definition, information acquisition, deduction of indirect dependencies, structure analysis, product design application. The application of this approach allowed for improved handling of high complexity in development of Common Rail high pressure pumps. Product structures of different types of high pressure pump were acquired, visualized and analyzed from different relevant views. Modularization advice and design recommendations were derived by means of cluster analysis. Identification of potential for carry over parts led to gains from economies of scale and formed the basis for an optimized building block concept.

The approach on complex structure management allows Bosch DS to efficiently manage an increasing complexity due to steadily increasing customer requirements in the future.

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