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How European GNSS Enables Support to all Levels of Vehicle Guidance – Examples of ADAS from the Project Famos


Ehrenpfordt, Ingmar* - German Aerospace Center, Germany
Rataj, Jürgen - German Aerospace Center, Germany


Keywords: European GNSS Galileo, ADAS, Mobility Services, GPS, Safety critical application

The project FAMOS is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology in Germany. It is parted into a finalized basic definition phase and a phase of realization of applications which is proposed. The main objective depends on the abilities which occur using the European GNSS Galileo and other new technologies to build up new driver assistance and services. The structured approach in this paper shows the background and the new potential of the European GNSS Galileo in the related work.

Driving can be divided in different levels according to the cognitive demand and the frequency of action. The three-dimension-model of vehicle guidance was developed in 1970 by Bernotat. These dimensions can also be used to describe the requirements according to sensor values for different assistance system based on positioning data.

On the navigation level, high-level decisions based on the aim of the trip have to be made. According to the frequency of action, i.e. the long term character of the task and as a consequence the possibility to interact with the user, the necessary location based information as well as the positioning requires only an accuracy of above 10 m like provided by GPS.

The guidance level contains tasks for the selection of the appropriate manoeuvres. In this case two different kinds of location information have to be taken into account, first, static features of a road leg, like road charge and second dynamic features, like variable speed limits. For this features the accuracy requirements according to assistance systems are below 10 meters in longitudinal direction. In lateral direction fusion mechanism like map matching methods usually can be used to provide the necessary accuracy. The second group of features considering manoeuvres are the static and dynamic location features, like icy spot on a road. These features need accuracy below 1 meter in location and positioning in lateral and longitudinal direction for the use in assistance systems. Hence, differential methods as well as first sensor fusions are necessary as a basis for assistance systems.

The lowest level of vehicle control includes all strongly automated actions like steering, acceleration and braking. In this case high requirements according to the accuracy, availability as well as dependability of the sensor values are unavoidable. Hence, sensor fusion mechanisms are mandatory to provide the necessary measurement values for the assistance systems.

Based on this, one application, which will be developed inside the FAMOS-project, will be an advanced ACC, which uses high accurate positioning data in combination with a precise map to adapt the cars velocity to the adjacent environment. Another assistance will hinder to drive a vehicle in the wrong direction of the street and another helps to merge into freeways. New navigational aid uses local dynamic traffic data in urban environment to create a routing which is accurate to the driven lane.

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