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Global Challenges for Future Powertrain Systems


Hatz, Wolfgang - Volkswagen AG


Keywords - Mobility, Sustainability, Powertrain Technology, Alternative Powertrains, Electrification

Individual mobility is one of the main drivers of economic development - and that applies just as much, if not more so, to emerging markets. At the same time, the rapid rise in mobility brings enormous challenges for the environment and infrastructure. There are, therefore, areas of action in the powertrain technology sector that clearly put the focus on further enhanced efficiency and emissions reduction, the incorporation of alternative energy sources and the regional optimization of powertrain technology.

A good example of this is the success story of the diesel engine, which now has a market share of around 50% in Western Europe and has become established in all classes, from the small car through to the luxury vehicle. Volkswagen´s successful TDI technology combines maximum driving pleasure with low fuel consumption. To comply with future emissions legislation, intensive efforts are required to place new technologies for exhaust treatment together with process enhancements on a solid financial footing. In terms of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, Volkswagen has applied the success story of the TDI - with its turbocharged direct-injection powerplants - to petrol engines, too. Turbocharged FSI technology made its debut, for example, in the Audi R8 racing car back in the year 2000.

A broad initiative to optimise the driveline naturally also incorporates transmission technology that has been carefully matched to the new engines. The Volkswagen Group´s dual-clutch technology combines the comfort and convenience of conventional automatic transmissions with the sportiness and superior efficiency of manual transmissions.

The move away from oil is one of society´s greatest challenges for the 21st century. For the automotive industry, this means working at full speed on the development of alternative and regenerative energy sources as well as new ultra-efficient powertrain concepts; however, the rapidly increasing pressure to reduce CO2 emissions requires swift action. An important alternative to conventional powertrains and fossil fuels is the use of renewable raw materials, particularly second-generation biofuels. The Volkswagen fuel and powertrain strategy documents the gradual move away from the fossil fuel age towards a regenerative fuel era. Yet the sustainability-oriented powertrain strategy is not only concerned with improvements to conventional combustion engines and regenerative fuels, but also with alternative powertrain systems. Development scenarios for regional markets already indicate that specific requirements will lead to substantial diversification in future with regard to powertrain systems and fuels. In a long-term context, though, we anticipate electric powertrains. Apart from the familiar micro, mild and full hybrids, this term also covers purely electric drives and vehicles powered by fuel cells.

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