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Ergonomic Concepts for 3rd Age


Lindner, Hans-Joachim* - Ford Research & Advanced Engineering Europe, Germany
Koch, Werner - Ford Research & Advanced Engineering Europe, Germany


Keywords - Demographic change, 3rd age customers, anatomical changes, ergonomic concepts, 3rd age suit

More than 30 million "seniors" above 50 are the "kings" among the customers. Nowadays half of the financial assets are on the accounts of the 50+ generation and our society is getting older at high speed. The consumer behavior of the generation 50+ will decide the future of many companies. The designers of these companies (mostly younger people) often do not understand the mindset of the older generation and their specific physical and biological requirements.

Senior citizens are of growing importance as a purchaser group: 28 percent of new car buyers in 2004 were over 60 years old, whereas only 7 percent were younger than 30 years. This older group values German cars, and an above average proportion of them buy models in the premium sector. For example every third Porsche has been sold to a "Turbo senior" of an average age of 57 years.

To improve our customer orientation we need to address especially those design parameters which are influenced by physiological changes with age: Anatomical changes concerning e.g. bones, joints, muscles, skin and the cardiovascular system. Sensory, perceptional, cognitive and psychological changes must be taken into account, as well.

Results: Reliable safety features are expected as essential by the older customer. Features that meet the needs of 3rd age car users affect different areas like visibility, maneuvering, ingress / egress access, seat comfort, displays, controls and basic maintenance.

Conclusion: Ergonomic aspects will play a more important role in future cars. We do not need special cars for older customers but good and exciting cars with perfect ergonomic designs for all users.

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