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Approach for Accident Reduction Using the Floating Car Data of Honda Internavi Service


Kazuya Tamura, Yoshiaki Hirai - Honda Motor Co., Ltd.


Honda starts "Telematics service" called “Internavi Premium Club” in Japan in 1997. In this service, Internavi Traffic Service is started using Floating Car Data (FCD) at 2003. Honda stored huge amount of FCD to use not only Traffic service but also Safety and Environment improvement program. We are providing the statistical processed FCD to the government for “Traffic management” and/or “Traffic safety” program. This paper describes the four cases of real usage of FCD that is collaborated with "Government of Saitama prefecture”, “Government of Hokkaido" and “Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway” and usage for disaster situation such as big earthquake.

Keywords: Road Environments and Infrastructure, ITS

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