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Networked Fuse-Failure Indicator with Frugal Implementation.


Vishwas Vaidya
Minda Corporation Ltd., India

Ritwik Guha
Minda Sai Ltd., India


Sudden failure of a fuse can lead to catastrophic failures. For vehicles equipped with intelligent electronic controllers the risks due to sudden fuse failures are handled in multiple ways and a driver is prompted about the failure immediately. However for Off-road vehicles and low end commercial vehicles with minimal electronic content, fuse failure for a critical load like a radiator fan can eventually lead to disastrous consequences. Such vehicles need to be equipped with fuse failure indication alert. This paper highlights sustainability aspects of the solution in two areas viz. frugal engineering as well as inspection and maintenance. This paper describes a simple implementation scheme for such a solution. It outlines multiple constraints in devising a suitable scheme which can easily be integrated in the current basic vehicle electrical architecture. The solution described can be packaged as an elegant two terminal building block. It meets all automotive robustness requirements yet comprises of only a few active and passive components. The local fuse indications integrate for multiple critical fuses can be networked together to generate a master indication at the driver dash-board. The paper describes top level requirements for the solution outlining the value it needs to deliver to various stake holders. Architecture of the solution then worked out by considering various candidate architectures. Integration aspect with the vehicle architecture are also discussed stressing on flexibility and scalability aspects of the solution. Later sections described tests carried out to simulate field transients to assess robustness of the solution. At the end the solution and strategy adopted for the same is summed-up outlining next steps.

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