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Waste Heat Recovery in Real World Driving Cycles


Albert Boretti
Independent Scientist, Australia

Stefania Castelletto
RMIT, Australia


Waste heat recovery systems necessitate cycles longer and more aggressive than the cold start New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) to produce benefits. Hybridization further increases these requirement, as it reduced the fuel energy supply. To overcome the constraints given by the NEDC, an integrated single circuit turbosteamer was proposed. The internal combustion engine (ICE) coolant passages are used as pre-heater. An exchanger on the exhaust is used as boiler / super-heater. The expander is connected to an electric generator unit (GU) and the pump is connected to an electric motor unit (MU). Expander and condenser are by-passed during the first part of the cycle, then activated after the faster warm-up. As the NEDC is being replaced by the longer WLTC, and hopefully a single cycle will be replaced by a suite of more aggressive and longer cycles requiring larger energy inputs and possibly more operation hot, the proposed integrated single-circuit turbo-steamer may become more and more attractive.

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