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To Attain Best in Class Engine Performance and HVAC Performance in Hay Cutting Operation


Lokesh Agarwal
Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd., India.

Nilesh Belgaonkar, Gurpeet Singh Bijral, Arumugasamy Parthiban, Rajendra Mohite


In Hay cutting operations, tractors generally get overheated after certain amount of duration due to Condenser, Intercooler and Radiator clogging from chaff formed in Hay cutting operation. Because Intercooler / Radiator Clogging, Engine performance gets affected and because of Condenser clogging A/C performance gets affected causing discomfort to operator. Moreover, the chaff cleaning is hectic and annoying task reducing effective productive time in season, the more the tractor is operating in field without any issue, the better for the operator. Therefore, the objective was to design and optimize for the best Engine Cooling, HVAC cooling system and Hood sealing system which can give maximum duration while operating Engine and comfort to operator for Hay cutting operation in extended duration to delight our customers and at par with competition.

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