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Predictive Operating Strategies for Optimum Utilization of Battery Power and Enhanced Lifetime


Raghunandan Shankavaram
AVL Technical Center Private Limited, India AVL Technical Center Private Limited, India AVL Technical Center Private Limited, India AVL Technical Center Private Limited, India

Andreas Braun, Stephen Lindermaier, Vishwasri; Ramaka
AVL Deutschland GmbH, Germany

Markus Dohr
AVL List GmbH, Austria


Traction batteries are operated with up to the maximum C-rate for charging or discharging. Such BMS (Battery Management System) operation limits are determined during the development of a battery system. Cell manufacturers define hard safety limits to prevent Liplating, deep discharge, or thermal events which are usually implemented as slope functions to allow for a gradual transition from normal operation to zero. These so-called de-rating functions are parametrized in the BMS in the same way for every battery, additionally with a safety buffer to ensure safe operation for every potential user and driving situation including worst-case scenarios. The authors argue that an adaptive approach can optimize the operation strategy of battery systems using ADAS features. In addition to parameters that are being observed inside the battery, information about the vehicle, upcoming route and driver behavior can be used to adapt the operation strategy to the situation at hand. Consequently, the driver can be offered “more” performance with the same battery pack.

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