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Global Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Autonomous Vehicle Development - India Specific Application


Rohit Tiwari
FEV India Private Ltd., India

Gaurav Sadekar, Ajith Kumaran, Vijay Sharma

Stephan Tarnutzer, Alanna Quail
FEV North America Inc., USA


Substantial progress has been made towards autonomous vehicles development over the last decade. In the current Indian scenario, where transportation is a necessity in our daily life and with safety of passengers and environment set to critical importance, autonomous vehicles cease to be a futuristic idea and begin to transition into reality. ADAS technologies can be considered as the first major building block towards making autonomous vehicles a reality. With functions like adaptive cruise control (ACC), automatic emergency braking (AEB), lane departure warning (LDW), lane keep assist (LKA), and traffic sign recognition (TSR), ADAS systems have already proven to be very reliable with a minimal network of sensors and embedded controllers. The efforts of ADAS systems development over the past decade are now being realized and recognized by customers as valuable, which will lead customers to also become more accepting to the idea of automated driving (SAE Level 3, 4, and 5). Integration of ADAS systems like mono/ stereo cameras, radars, ultrasonic sensors, and V2V or V2X communication create a capability to increase the automation level with redundant systems addressing the reliability and functional safety of autonomous vehicles. With this network of controllers exchanging information and executing several critical computations and decisions comes the critical need of validation. Significantly more validation than for traditional electrical systems used for SAE L0 is required in order to result in a safe and reliable 'automated' driver for the customer. In this paper, study on ADAS system is carried out based on Indian road accident data. Based on the study it is concluded that forward collision warning, Lane departure warning, driver inattention and driver drowsiness detection are highly recommended feature in Indian vehicles. For implementation, forward facing and driver facing camera, are two camerabased solutions, which can reduce considerable number of road accidents on highways. The solution is further described using the functional and software architecture.

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