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Development of Software for Adaptive Cruise Control System as per Guidelines of ISO 26262


Rajesh Saini
The Automotive Research Association of India, India

Manish Karle, Jyoti Kale, Anand Subramaniam, Ajinkya Bhagat, Ujjwala Karle, Mangesh Saraf


Adaptive Cruise Control is a technology used in the modern vehicles to assist the driver. ACC uses sensors like Radar to detect the speed and distance of the target vehicle in front (Lead vehicle) to adjust the host vehicle speed to maintain a safe distance from the lead vehicle. ACC technology provides a lot of benefits; it not only reduces the driver fatigue in stop and go traffic conditions, but it also reduces the chances of collision by maintaining safe distance from the Lead vehicle. ACC also acts as a crucial part for autonomous vehicles. The ACC system maintains a safe time gap between the host and Lead vehicles by monitoring the gap and speed of the two vehicles. Since ACC software controls the throttle and brake pedal positions to control the longitudinal velocity of the vehicle, functional safety standards need to be followed in design of the system. ISO 26262 standard provides guidance for development of E/E systems considering safety and reliability aspects. The objective of this work is to implement these guidelines during software development for ACC system.

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