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Cyber Security in Automotives - Challenges & Solutions


Madhusudan Joshi
International Centre for Automotive Technology (ICAT), Gurugram, India

Devender Kumar


Cyber security is a major concern for the modern transportation, especially for connected vehicles. It pertains to the preventative techniques used to protect the integrity of networks, programs and data from attack, damage, or unauthorized access. With the increased use of internet for data/ information exchange, online financial transactions, cloud based information sharing etc. in the advanced transportation domain, there is a persistent threat of personal/connected vehicle information being attacked by unauthorized users. It is therefore very important to set-up a strong cyber security enabled ecosystem to avoid the misuse of the data. In this regard data encryption would play a very critical role. Implementation of robust encryption techniques would ensure secure data exchange. In this paper we describe a bit level encryption technique which leads to highly secure data encryption. Performance of the proposed technique is verified against various attacks. The effect of noise on the performance of the proposed technique is analyzed. The application of the proposed technique is also discussed this paper along with implementation methodology.

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