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Vehicle Accident Tracking & Emergency Services in India


Shridhar Ardalkar


In India, road accidents are increasing at an alarming rate with rise in population and the total number of vehicles. In case of accident, the victim's survival rate increases if victim gets immediate medical assistance. More than 20% of patients needing emergency treatment have died because of delay in medical help. One can give medical assistance to an accident victim only when exact location of the accident is known. There are various factors which cause delay in reaching medical help to accident victim. In this paper, survey is conducted for 462 people to understand the reasons for delay in medical help for accident victim in India. This paper express people’s view about current emergency services, infrastructure and government policies and its implementation. Additionally, this paper helps to understand people’s awareness about different accident monitoring technologies and challenges faced in implementing same in India. Top reasons causing the delay in medical help to accident victim are analyzed in details and recommendations are given for same.

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