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Autonomous Cars – Pipe Dream or Reality for India Customers


Soumen De
General Motors Technical Centre India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, India


We are at the dawn of a new era when more seamless and integrated mobility promises to move us from point A to point B faster, cheaper, safer, cleaner, and more conveniently than today. There is a new trend that is disrupting auto industry. Traditional IC engine driven automobiles are getting disrupted by electric and hybrid vehicles. Blazing speed at which technical disruptions (Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning included) are happening coupled with Government subsidies, concern for environment are adding unprecedented strength to this trend. Besides, the desire to be more productive and safe while commuting is driving the development of Autonomous cars or Autonomous Vehicles (AV) or self-driven vehicles. The US, Europe, Japan and China are making massive leaps in this direction and are showing the road to the future. As per the media reports, by end of 2018, many Automotive OEMs across globe would be completing the pilot runs for Autonomous Vehicles. India, which has a sizeable population of youngsters, would love to embrace Autonomous Vehicles. History shows the technological advancement of developed countries have seen a rapid adoption in India: metro networks, bullet trains, advance emission reduction technologies, 4G and LTE technologies are just to name a few that got rolled out in India soon they were launched in those countries. Given the current state of affair of technology development, government policies, infrastructure and citizen’s driving habit, readiness for India to adopt AV technologies is being widely debated. Would India be able to adopt Autonomous vehicles technologies like it has adopted other technologies? Or it is just a mere wish or pipe dream. This paper will use a mathematical prediction model to understand the AV readiness for India.

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