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Advanced Braking System Control Prototyping Using Networked Hardware-in-the-loop Technique


Schreiber, Viktor; Savitski, Dzmitry; Augsburg, Klaus; Ivanov, Valentin;
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany;
Schyr, Christian AVL Deutschland GmbH, Germany


KEYWORDS – braking system control, x-in-the-loop, hardware-in-the-loop, software-inthe- loop, model-in-the-loop, real-time, test rig

ABSTRACT – Control functions for the base-braking and emergency braking situations are important element of the vehicle active safety and have high requirements to robustness. The corresponding control algorithms should be reliable, provide sufficient level of system adaptiveness and be able to reject external disturbances. This demands not only the wellorganized controller from the theoretical point of view, but also its systematic experimental validation. Moreover, effects and factors, which can potentially produce deterioration of braking system control functions, should be properly taken into account in the simulation and during the experiments. Another important factor is that brake control systems have a closedloop operation with the tyre-road interaction, and its operation is accompanied by such complex effects like (i) variation of disc/pad friction coefficient and (ii) brake hysteresis. This produces strong demand on extension of the conventional testing facilities for the braking system control evaluation. Therefore, besides the part of the control system design, this paper represents possible advancement of hardware-in-the-loop testing procedure for development and validation of braking system control functions.

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