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Inertia Brake Dynamometer Dust Particle Measurement


Michael Wirtz, Peter Lienerth, Dmytro Lugovyy - HORIBA Europe GmbH
Hannes Sachse, Klaus Augsburg - Technische Universität Ilmenau


KEYWORDS – Brake Dust Measurement, Dust Particles, Inertia Brake Dynamometer, Environmental Pollution, Reproducibility of Measurements


Environmental pollution from vehicle brake systems has become a concern. The traditional focus is on fine dust caused from engine exhaust gas, especially from diesel engines. However, in order to obtain a complete picture of this potential hazard, small particle brake dust emissions also shall be considered in future.

To do this, we will measure the number of break dust particles emitted from an inertia brake dynamometer while running a popular test procedure like the AK Master, WLTP or AK Bremsstaub. We will compare particle numbers relative to the specific test section of the test cycle. The main focus of this investigation will be the reproducibility of the measurement results. Therefore the influence of a range of test parameters has to be considered.

In comparison to the dynamometer results, we will provide vehicle measurements under real driving conditions (RDE).

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