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Squeal Complex Eigenvalue Analysis, Advanced Damping Models And Error Control


Guillaume Vermot des Roches, Olivier Chiello, Etienne Balmes, Xavier Lorang -
SDTools, IFSTTAR-LTE, CeLyA, Arts et Metiers ParisTech, SNCF Innovation and Research


KEYWORDS – damping, squeal, complex modes, robust design, reduction

ABSTRACT – Estimation of brake systems stability related to noise emission is part of the industry state-of-the-art for brake design. Improved assessment of stability would allow better NVH performance from early design stages thus reducing costs related to late redesign and testing. The prediction capability however remains challenged due to the complexity of brake noise phenomena. In particular, integration and resolution of complex systems with damping is a difficult task that is commonly overlooked. This paper proposes two ideas to improve stability estimation. From the solver side, a convergence indicator is proposed to quantify the convergence of the complex eigenvalues for subspace based methods. The error obtained can be directly used to enhance the computation subspace and a priori enhancement is suggested. From the modelling side, a damping strategy based on sub-assembly modal damping ratios is proposed allowing direct exploitation of test measurements or refined sub-assembly simulations for damping estimation. Sub-assembly damping can thus be accounted for at the system level including all possible effects like joint dissipation or composite materials.

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