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Valve Model Simplification and Validation using Tools from Imagine.lab – AMESim Simulation Software


Florin Daniel Dragne - University “Politehnica” Of Bucharest
Laurentiu Antonin Cancel - University “Politehnica” Of Bucharest
Ioan Mircea Oprean - University “Politehnica” Of Bucharest
Nicolae Vasiliu - University “Politehnica” Of Bucharest


Keywords: ABS system, ABS valve, braking system, model simplificaton, LMS Imagine.lab, AMESim, activity index, state count

The paper presents some simplification and validation techniques of an ABS/ESP valve using LMS Imagine.lab - AMESim. Initialy a complex model of the valve is build and reducing this initial model, step by step, in order to keep the continuity, a fucntional model was obtained. Different but complementary model reduction techniques like activity index and state count were used. Both steady-state and dynamic behavior of the model was validated by experimental data.

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