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Improving the Localization of Noise Sources Inside a Vehicle


C. Irimia - LMS ROM
F. Deblauwe - LMS International
K. Jannens - LMS International
Z. Juhos - LMS ROM
S. Ignat - LMS ROM


Keywords: sound source localization, beam-forming, near-field acoustic holography

Sound source localisation (SSL), such as NAH and beam-forming, have been around for the last decennia. SSL techniques have been mainly used for free field conditions and only the last couple of years these techniques have found their way into interior acoustic applications where non-free-field conditions are met. Since the measurement happens in a cavity where reflections are present and sources all over the volume, the classical 2D free field antennas will not work and a 3D solid spherical antenna is required to perform a SSL on the complete interior compartment. The uniqueness of this solution lays in the fact that the SSL propagation is not only based upon a beam-forming solution, but takes also into account the acoustic diffractions that happen around the solid sphere. The result of this measurement campaign gives an overview of all sources present in the interior enclosure. A key factor in having accurate results however is the availability of having an accurate geometry to which one propagates the pressure to.

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