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CMMI – An Answer to the Software Crisis?


Bernard Guichoux - EADS SPACE Transportation François Dubuc - EADS SPACE Transportation



Software Crisis, CMM, CMMI, processes, Systems Engineering


As regularly mentioned in the current “software crisis”, the software must be developed while the system definition is not yet frozen. In 2001, EADS SPACE Transportation started a CMM approach to improve its software development process. But even if the projects became more deterministic, the software developments still remained depending on system evolutions, and continued to appear very costly. So it was decided to use the CMMI maturity model, adapted to our industrial domain and now applied by many companies. We really think that the CMMI approach allows to improve both the system and software engineering processes:

- The CMMI management processes are mandatory to efficiently plan, control and manage complex projects.

- The technical processes must contribute to well organize the project.

The CMMI project has just begun, so the expected benefits and savings are not yet visible. In parallel, other improvements are also expected from the software R&D activities presented in the paper.

The paper will present:

- an overview of the “software crisis”,

- a presentation of SW-CMM and CMMI,

- The main improvements achieved through the SW-CMM project and expected from the CMMI project,

- The software R&D roadmap at EADS SPACE Transportation.

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