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Object Oriented Framework for Test Automation


D. Peters - Siemens VDO Automotive AG



Since spring 2005 an object oriented framework for software (SW) test automation applications has been in use at Siemens VDO Powertrain. The framework, together with test equipment of different manufacturers, forms a test automation platform called TA3. It is a universal platform and can be operated with different test tools in real-time environment.

The framework solution has been developed on basis of the experience with previous test automation approaches and other approaches in the automotive industries. It is tailored to the test processes and to the user profiles. The platform is used in the SW development departments, in particular for SW Verification.

The framework is developed object-oriented with the freely-usable script language Python. The user also writes the test control flow in Python. These test scripts are linked together with the components of the framework to an executable program.

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