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The TOPCASED Project: a Toolkit in Open source for Critical Aeronautic SystEms Design


Patrick Farail - AIRBUS FRANCE
Pierre Gaufillet - AIRBUS FRANCE
Agusti Canals - C/S, ZAC de la Grande Plaine Christophe Le Camus - C/S, ZAC de la Grande Plaine
David Sciamma - Anyware Technologies
Pierre Michel - FéRIA-ONERA



Open source, Model driven engineering, Critical systems design, Meta-modelling, Model editor generator, Model bus


The TOPCASED project aims at developing an open source CASE environment for critical applications and systems development. Its main benefits should be to perpetuate the methods and tools for software development, minimize ownership costs, ensure independence of development platform, integrate, as soon as possible, methodological changes and advances made in academic world, be able to adapt tools to the process instead of the opposite, take into account qualification constraints. This paper focuses on the meta-modelling principles used in the TOPCASED CASE environment. It includes a tool to automatically generate graphical editors for specific languages based on their meta-model. This generation includes a customization stage before and after the generation. It has been used to develop editors for UML2, Ecore, SAM and AADL metamodels. Models are also the way tools of the environment communicate with each other thanks to a model bus. Importing models created with external tools is possible thanks to transformation of external models to TOPCASED ones. Transformations are made using ATL. This paper describes the MDE approach used in TOPCASED and gives insights on the whole project.

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