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How OEMs and Suppliers can face the Network Integration Challenges


Dr. Kai Richter - SYMTAVISION GmbH
Dr. Marek Jersak - SYMTAVISION GmbH
Prof. Dr. Rolf Ernst - Institute of Computer and Communication Network Engineering


Key Words:

Network Integration, Supply-Chain Communications, Reliability, Timing Analysis


Systems integration is a major challenge in many industries. Systematic analysis of the complex integration effects, especially with respect to timing and performance, significantly improves the design process, enables optimizations, and increases the quality and profit of a product. And it helps to improve supply-chain communications. This paper surveys a set of interesting experiments we have conducted on a real-world automotive communication network using our new SymTA/S schedulability analysis technology. We demonstrate that, and how, analysis technology helps answering key integration questions, thereby carefully respecting the established business models.

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