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Relationship Between Drivers’ Character and their Behaviour when Driving


Jiménez, Felipe*; Tapia, Santiago - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid INSIA-UPM.
Granados, Maria José; Tapia, Adelfo;
Sánchez, Esther; Romero, Verónica - Universidad Complutense de Madrid


The human factor is present in more than 90% of traffic accidents and in more than a third of them as the only cause. The driver behaviour is a clear influence on the likelihood of being involved in accidents. In addition, there are different driving patterns (drivers that support high longitudinal and lateral acceleration or maintaining small safety distances, for example). This study examines the relationship between the character of the drivers and their behaviour when driving. This study was developed based on a survey released over the Internet in which drivers are asked about their reactions to everyday situations and situations on the road. A group of traffic and vehicle engineers collaborated with a group of psychologists in order to design the questionnaire and the data processing process.

The survey assessed aspects of personality and its relationship to situations during driving activity (the different aspects of personality that affect driving, and the perception of the individual in his own way of doing it). Some of the aspects of personality that are studied are patience, violence, aggressiveness, punctuality, tolerance, optimism,… This approach seeks to confront the behaviour in everyday situations and situations while driving, to identify those cases in which produces the popular "driving change" that results in significant changes in behaviour.

Keywords: driver character; behaviour; survey, questionnaire, driving pattern

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