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SISCOGA – a Field Operational Test in the North West of Spain on future C2X Applications


F.Sánchez, A. Paul, D.Sánchez, M.Sáez - CTAG


C2X cooperative communication systems and technologies (vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure) can play a significant role in the next future to improve road traffic in terms of safety and efficiency. They will provide drivers with real time preventive information related to the traffic situation that the vehicle will face ahead, extending the horizon and detection range of present physical sensors. Simultaneously, vehicles will also inform the road infrastructure on its present traffic conditions enhancing and enriching the traffic management centre database.

In order to accelerate research, development and deployment of C2X systems, FOTs (Field Operational Tests) following the European FESTA methodology appear as an excellent tool to analyse and assess the benefits of these technologies.

SISCOGA is a national initiative carried out by CTAG and DGT (Dirección General de Tráfico) aiming at testing in real traffic conditions several dedicated C2X applications. To this purpose, a permanent “intelligent corridor” in the North West of Spain comprehending more than 60 km of motorway roads has been equipped with cooperative communication units (RSU, Road Side Units). This intelligent corridor is controlled by the DGT Spanish North West Traffic Management Centre. On the other hand, 20 vehicles will also be equipped with on-board cooperative communication units (OBU, On Board Units) and with a specially designed HMI, in order to carry out an FOT that will run for more than one year, evaluating and assessing the benefits that these new cooperative functions can provide.

The paper starts with a short introduction on the state of the art of cooperative communication technologies describing also the challenges for the successful introduction of C2X systems and the present R&D initiatives running worldwide. Then, the main characteristics and cooperative equipment of SISCOGA test site infrastructure will be introduced and explained. Afterwards the C2X developed functions to be tested (figure 1) and the FOT methodology will be described. In the following section, the invehicle implemented technological solution in terms of hardware architecture and HMI will be introduced (figure 2). Then, first initial pre-tests carried out to validate the proper operation of all systems within the whole FOT chain will be presented (pilot testing). Afterwards, the FOT execution status will be reported explaining also the foreseen procedures to evaluate the data and to asses the project benefits in terms of safety and efficiency. The paper will finish outlining next steps and main conclusions.

Keywords: Cooperative Systems; Field Operational Tests; Preventive Safety

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